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What is the difference betveen fluoxetine and fluvoxamine?


Rajive Goel 25 Nov 2010

Fluoxetine, a medication that is available by prescription, is used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and bulimia. It is a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which blocks the reuptake of serotonin when serotonin levels become unbalanced. Fluoxetine is available in a variety of strengths and is generally taken once or twice a day. Common side effects of the medicine may include anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.

Fluvoxamine is commonly prescribed in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The drug helps alleviate symptoms by allowing serotonin to stay in the brain for a longer period. It comes in tablet form and is generally taken once or twice a day. The fluvoxamine dosage you are prescribed will depend on factors such as your age and other medications you may be taking.

However, please do check it with a doc/pharmacist for more details, take care, be well!

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