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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Questions

Related terms: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, PTSD, PSTD, C-PTSD, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Displaying 190 questions associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

How long do venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms last?

How long does Zoloft (sertraline) take to work?

Gabapentin - How bad is weight gain? Can diet help? How good for sleep and pain?

I have FMS and have been suffering from severe insomnia since Jan. 2011. I have become so ill and so limited in my ability to function that I must consider starting Gabapentin in very short order. I have been avoiding it after losing 85 pounds when I got off Paxil. But this is becoming a do or die... read more

How long for an increased dose of Zoloft to work?

Lexapro vs Zoloft: How do they compare?

Why should you take aripiprazole in the morning?

Prozac vs Zoloft - What are the Differences & Similarities?

Is it better to take lamotrigine at night?

Has anyone using Seroquel experienced a weight gain issue? I started @

... around 110lbs now I've gained a conciderable amount of weight. I am a vegetarian I don't do dairy. I do not eat anymore then I ever did. I eat out of necessity I do not over stuff myself. They had me actually writing down my calorie intake daily along with my weight and I wasn't... read more

Currently on 40 mg of prozac a day but my anxiety and OCD is so bad i dont know what to do?

Should i go up on my dosage?

How do I get off Seroquel xr - can't stand side effects?

I'm diagnosed with bipolar and ptsd - got on Lithium over a month ago and so far so good - however, the dr. added 300 mg of Seroquel xr and I'm having a terrible time with the side effects and I want to stop immediately. Can I just stop taking?

What do you feel like when an antidepressant starts to work I have major depression anxiety ptsd?

On lexapro 19 days no relief so far please help

Has anyone taken 25mg. to 50mg of Seroquel and gained or lost weight?

My brother takes 450mg a day and gained weight. He takes it for bipolor. I have high anxity and PTSD. I take Prazosin 4mg. at night and it works wonders. While he has bipolor. Been on many things that made me worse and kinda scared to try this. My Dr told me its such a low does it wont effect my... read more

Zoloft - what side-effects did you experience?

Hello! I have recently started taking 25mg of Zoloft for my anxiety and panic attacks.I know it takes a while to kick in but has anyone else gotten really irritable and just been really scared since they started taking it. I'm sure the fact that I am on something scares me more then anything... read more

Could anyone tell me about their experience with Zoloft?

How long does it takes to start feeling the benefits of taking this medicine? Thank you very much!

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